SKU’s: 500g, 1kg & 5kg

SMB takes particular effort to preserve as much naturalness as possible, as intended by Mother Nature. We purchase whole grains directly from farmers in our endeavour to provide you with nutritional deliciousness.
SMB Atta is meticulously processed utilising the contemporary "chakki milling process," ensuring that it is 100% Atta and includes no maida. Through our 4- step advantage process of sourcing, cleaning, milling, and nutrient binding, we assure that you receive excellent chakki atta.
We give the freshness of the fields mixed with the strength of whole wheat by making sure that all the nutrients of the grain stay undamaged and safeguarded in our packaging.
Rotis stay soft for a longer period of time because SMB Atta dough absorbs more water. That implies you are preparing nice, fluffy rotis for your family, which will help them get through the day.